Thursday 18 November 2010

The Advantages of Taking a Baitboat on a Carp Fishing Holiday

The Advantages of Taking a Baitboat on a Carp Fishing Holiday
By Jonny P

With most carp waters in the UK being so crowded with anglers, it is not really surprising that bait boats are not allowed, as they do tend to cause annoyance to other anglers - particularly those who do not use them!

In France, the situation is very different with many waters that can be booked exclusively for a party of anglers, and so it is unlikely that there will be any disagreements over the use of a bait boat. As I see it, bait boats are not dangerous to the fish in any way provided that they are used responsibly, and if they are not going to cause annoyance to anyone, then there is no good reason for prohibiting their use.

Of course there will be those anglers who believe that bait boats should not be used at all because they believe them to be unethical or "cheating" - this is a personal opinion only and I feel that it is absolutely pointless discussing this. Technology is used in many forms in modern fishing, and a bait boat is just another tool to help you to catch fish. If you don't believe in the use of bait boats then don't use one....but please don't go preaching to others about it!

So, with bait boats being allowed on most lakes in France, we can look at the question of whether or not you really need one? The short answer of course is no, on most venues you will be able to catch some carp without using a boat - however this is not always the case. For most people who come to France, time is limited and this usually means one week a year that can be allocated to a carp fishing holiday in France. This holiday will usually involve a fair amount of time, expense and planning, so - taking a boat with you might make the difference between a holiday to remember or one to forget.

Many people assume that bait boats are only useful for fishing at extreme range, when the fish are out of reach of normal casting techniques, but in fact they have many other uses and benefits - some of these are;

Stealth - a bait boat allows placement of your end tackle and/or bait without noise, allowing you to put a bait to the carp without spooking them

Accuracy - placement of your rig and free offerings first time every time is one of the major advantages of using a boat

Fishing tight to far margins - where fishing is restricted to one bank only, the carp will nearly always stay tight to the far margin, without a boat you might struggle!

Distance - if your distance casting is not the best, a boat can even out the playing field somewhat - if the carp are out of casting range and you have no boat, a blank is on the cards!

Fishing to underwater features - if your boat is equipped with an echo sounder, you can find out a lot about the nature of the lake bed in your swim in a short space of time - and without the need to make a lot of disturbance with the use of a marker rod! Having found some interesting looking features, you can now drop your baited rig right on top of them!

Looking at just these few major advantages of having a bait boat at your disposal reveals how much can be gained when you visit your chosen French Carp venue.

Buying a bait boat involves a significant outlay of cash, and bearing in mind that they are not allowed on most UK waters, so at our French Venues Les Croix and Les Levades, we have bait boats for hire at a reasonable cost. Offering this service means that those anglers who do not own a boat do not have to feel that they are at a disadvantage.

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