Thursday 21 October 2010

Wildlife Conservation Holidays - The Perfect Idea For Gap Year Animal Lovers

Wildlife Conservation HolidaysBy Mark Bottell

More and more people are beginning to take gap years between their years of education. Between school and college, college and university, halfway through university and before venturing into the real world to get a job, are times when people decide to take a year out and discover what the world is really about. Wildlife conservation holidays are a great way to spend your time and do something good for the planet.

Contributing to the World
Wildlife conservation holidays are a fantastic way to give something back and to affect the world in a positive way. By helping to conserve some of the beautiful creatures of this earth, we are helping to prevent species' from becoming extinct and thus keeping them alive for future generations to experience. Worthwhile and meaningful, these holidays are not only a superb way of helping to keep species alive and make an impact on the world. They are also a great way of spending your gap year in an enjoyable and memorable way, which will leave you feeling that you have contributed to the fascinating world that we live in.

Make Your CV Stand Out
When it comes to gap years, often people can feel as though they have wasted them. Getting a job for the year may be a way of raking in some extra money and adding some extra experience to your CV, but wildlife conservation holidays are more likely to impress your future employers than a desk job or a year's worth of stacking shelves. In an economic climate where it is hard to find jobs, you could also end up completely wasting a year and feeling as though you have not only put yourself back a step in terms of your education and experience, but also missed a great opportunity to enjoy yourself and learn different things in life. Wildlife conservation holidays show future employers, colleges and universities that you are passionate about something and that you have the ability to see things through to completion; something which is very valuable in terms of demonstrating your maturity.

The Experience of A Lifetime
Once your education is over and you have a job and other commitments, it won't be as easy to just take a year off from your life and see the magical things that you could on a gap year. By going to countries that you might never see again, and seeing species which, if it weren't for your help, may become extinct, you can gain lifelong experience and memories that will never fade. The sense of satisfaction that comes from knowing that you are contributing to saving a species is overwhelming, and you will remember for the rest of your life that you played a part in guaranteeing its survival. With gap years being a great time to experience things whilst you are still young, wildlife conservation holidays are a wonderful option.

Mark Bottell is the General Manager for Worldwide Experience, an online tour operator offering extended breaks on wildlife conservation holidays and various adventurous gap years for adults.

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